INDEX AUDIT AND TRAINING SERVICES CONSULTING INC Tax, Accounting, Finance and Management Consultancy scope, application of modern management knowledge and the development and institutionalization of the company in Turkey, was established in order to contribute to solving the problems of business and management;

• Domestic and foreign companies to install,
• Establishing and ensuring the continuity of the tax and accounting organization,
• International Reporting,
• International Independent Auditors,
• Financial Advisors,
• Financial Consulting
• Corporate Finance,
• Inner control,
• Cheat Control,
• Management Consulting and Risk Management,
• Training Consultancy,
consulting and audit firm meets the needs of a wide range of services.

International Auditing and Accounting Standards closely, based on ethical principles and our goal as a company with corporate control structure, "a new approach to control the industry, delivering the quality audit and other assurance services.".

Index Control, transparent expert solutions to clients with experienced staff and partners, rationally and considering the situation of economic data and corporate approach, guiding investment decisions and offer advice and solutions.

To be able to share their experience of similar work in all countries of the world, it may be the solution to current needs in every sector with the opportunity to be able to give access to international resources and services.